PS-XPlay - PS Emulator
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PS-XPlay - Emulador para Playstation.
Emulador criado à partir do Retro Arch e PCSX-reARMed.
Preparado para rodar seus jogos favoritos com audio e vídeo de qualidade.
ATENÇÃO: QUALQUER falha no aplicativo, por favor encaminhe um email com o assunto: "ERRO 'descrição do erro'" para:
Tutoriais:">Configurar BIOS">Configurar joystick touchscreen
WARNING: If happens ANY ERROR with the App, please, send an email with the following subject: "ERROR 'Error description'" to:
ATUALIZADO - v2.6 - Correção de compatibilidade com alguns dispositivos ARM V 7
Agora com Joystick TouchScreen! (Requer tela multi toque!)
Para verificar se seu Joystick é compatível, consulte a lista em:
Requisitos: Smartphone Xperia Play, equivalente ou superior.
Mensagens solicitando BIOS, ou ROMS serão sumariamente ignoradas e deletadas.
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Rogue Pictures Hires a Director for the Hack / Slash movieMaybe you remember reading, more than a year ago that Rogue Pictures was the adaptation the comic series Hack / Slash. Street Fighter writer Justin Marks has been hired to the script that found to found to be well not the best idea to write download PS-XPlay - PS Emulator 2.6 free android app . However, Rogue is still promoted and has hired first-time director Fredrik Bond the film. The film. Bond career directing commercials was, and this is his feature debut. Several other directors, including newcomer Todd Lincoln, were installed, but it looks like officially set officially set shooting shooting sometime this winter with Bond at the top.
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