вторник, 29 июля 2014 г.

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Is the onlyned to The Hard 4 - Even Bruce Willis not approved?Hopefully the film is at least a little fun, despite PG-13 and killed the Fox execs download Lese Knecht 1.6 apk free . Either way, they have just put in a pot of boiling water with the message, let's see if she can pull herself now. We know that Bruce Willis Art is an asshole in real life, although in almost every movie this year and last year, but he is the leader in the Die Hard series, and he should be the one that this fourth life a to all of the first three. This is not the first time a studio really gone overboard with their dominant hand on a movie, it was with Julie Taymor, Across the Universe -. It looks like Zack Snyder with 300 is the only one made another really pull off a hard R-rating with the studio and see what happens, that was a huge success! I hate 20th Century Fox, I really do, and it just proves to me again that they do not know how to do something right. Even worse that the first 3 all die all die hard R! Why do you change the pattern in 2007? 'In June of VANITY FAIR, it is said that Bruce Willis was initially disappointed that his fourth DIE HARD movie probably cut to get a PG-13 rating instead of an R.: 'I wanted to really live up to this to obtain the promise of the first, which I always thought was the only really good. 'And he is not happy about it. 'That's a studio decision more and more common more and more common, because they are trying for reach a wider audience can be reached. It seems almost a courageous step to an image.

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