четверг, 24 июля 2014 г.

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He has tried considering Shane Black Writing and Direct 'Iron Man 3'!Whoa! How do we, because he himself confirmed last year know, Jon Favreau will not return to direct more Marvel movies. Instead, he has to go to the Magic Kingdom Disney download LaserDroid 1.0.12 free android app . Who will take his place on the Iron Man franchise? Heat Vision just ran an article saying that Shane Black, writer-director of Kiss Kiss Bang Bang is to write in competition and direct Iron Man 3 for Marvel Studios. But do not start celebrating yet. Insiders said that Black 's involvement is far from a sure thing, and that other writers and directors have been considered. If I can say it would be pretty awesome to to see Shane Black tackle Iron Man. This seems like a trick to get some fanboy buzz behind director-in-waiting by Shane Black - - and it might just function well. Black is a fan favorite because Kiss Kiss Bang Bang , and because he is a damn good writer. Other credits to his name like Monster Squad, the Lethal Weapon series and The Long Kiss Goodnight He tried For now, for a while and draw up a couple has, like Death Note lined, but this could be his big break in many ways. Marvel has already for Iron Man 3 3 May 2013, a year after The Avengers planned. We know nothing about the story, because anywhere anywhere next - possibly after with / without War Machine and / or Black Widow, depending on what they are in Avengers and so on.

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