пятница, 25 апреля 2014 г.

download WebSpeak 1.0.17 for free


News & Magazines

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WebSpeak will speak web pages to you. Either type the web-page url into the text-box or select from your browser bookmarks or history.

WebSpeak can be used as an html e-book reader. Among other uses are newspaper and magazine readers, particularly from mobile websites.

WebSpeak can be used by the blind or partially sighted to navigate and listen to the contents of websites.

Webspeak allows manually or configurable automatic drill-down into links on the web-page to speak those too. Web sites can be read to you while you are busy doing other things, even driving, without intervention by you.

WebSpeak can remove repetition from web pages. This removes links and content that have appeared on previous pages, e.g. common advertisements or feedback text.

Webspeak can cache content for offline reading/speaking along with deeper content accessible via links. If reading is paused, then the location is stored to enable speaking to continue from that point.

Other options include:

- Setting a homepage

- Start speaking at app startup

- Selection of button and content-window sizes

- Orientation lock

- Use of hardware buttons to control speak/pause

- Termination of app on exit

- Operate via D-Pad

As an alternative to the standard Android voice, other TTS voices can be used, such as IVONA. IVONA's voice data can sometimes be moved to SD Card using the "Root All to SD" app.

Download .apk

Obama then pointed out that he supported the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, equal pay for Ledbetter lost her case before the Supreme Court.Then it was Romney 's turn free WebSpeak 1.0.17 torrent download . Not only that he himself on the back for you knock the extra mile to include qualified women for jobs, look in its administration, women who were hiding apparently in the cranberry bogs, or witness protection, for he had his female chief of staff home drop by 5 clock every day, so she could make dinner for their young children.

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