понедельник, 31 марта 2014 г.

download German Riddles Pro 1.05 for free

German Riddles Pro

Brain & Puzzle

Download .apk

Application is in German only!

In this huge set of more then 1600 riddles, logical puzzles, crosswords and tricky questions everyone can find something to spend a time with benefit and pleasure.

Puzzles and riddles are organized into 14 categories: Süßigkeiten und Gebäck (Texträtsel), Versrätsel, Lustige Mischung (Scherzfragen), Märchenrätsel, Denksport und Knobelaufgaben, Brückenrätsel, Sprichwörter, Analogien, Laterale( Ja-Nein-Rätsel, Rätselkrimis), Zahlenrätsel, Gehirnjogging (Dal-Dal), Lustige Worträtsel, Anagramme and Nicht passender Begriff.

Application has easy-to-use navigations, "bookmarks" and "favorite" features. In user interface we reflected German cultural colouring: Bretzels as navigation arrows, chequered header and footer etc.

German Riddles Pro can be used by all German speakers and by whose who are learning German as well. As a casual relaxation in transport, as a party game and as an entertainment for kids events.

Stay tuned - we are about to enrich the collection on a regular basis.

Download .apk

With Warner Bros.000 $ investment in Leavesden Studios and healthy levels of business reported on the big studio facilities, including Pinewood Shepperton, the trade with the studios and other North American player looks set to continue German Riddles Pro 1.05 apk free download . - 'What is particularly interesting in this report is how film, television film, television and gaming industries, ensuring the UK remains a center for innovation, maintaining its competitiveness, she said.

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